why did george packer leave the new yorker

And one thing thats interesting about both Real America and Just America is the rate of change, how fast theyve come on and how quickly theyve seized a lot of cultural groundat least, a lot of the discourse, if not the institutions of power. Some salaries at The New Yorker start at $42,000 a year and remain under $60,000 after 20 years on the job. But many writers also see what The New Yorker offers as a good deal: a prestigious place to publish that allows them to retain the rights to their work. For example, do we get rid of standardized testing because there are disparate outcomes between groups? The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America, Our Man: Richard Holbrooke and the End of the American Century. His book records the Administrations struggle to shape its own narrative. He is best known for his writings for The New Yorker and The Atlantic about U.S. foreign policy and for his book The Assassins' Gate: America in Iraq.Packer also wrote The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America, covering the history of the US from 1978 to 2012.In November 2013, The Unwinding received the . Bluntly, re: NewsGuild, what it comes down to for me is that I would never hire an agent who had lied to or about me, Mr. Taub wrote to a WhatsApp group for staff writers after the incident. George Packer, a staff writer from 2003 to 2018, has covered the Iraq War for The New Yorker and has also written about the atrocities committed in Sierra Leone, civil unrest in the Ivory Coast . Their father's background was Jewish and their mother's Christian. In a new book, the journalist George Packer argues that the country is divided into four warring factions. 2,141 likes. the democrats lost the white working class. And thats with us all the time, and we have to fight it. But other tensions revolve around the sense that the junior jobs only rarely offer promotions into the ranks of writers, and no clear career path. In this episode, Andrew is joined by George Packer, the author of Last Best Hope: America in Crisis and Renewal, to explore the four narratives that now dominate American life: Free America, Smart America, Real America, and Just America. But they were also suspicious of the NewsGuild, and began a parallel set of meetings with its rival, the Writers Guild of America, East. Exactly. His award-winning biography, Our Man: Richard Holbrooke and the End of the American Century, was released in May 2019. The magazine was once a charity case among flush glossies, but its subscription business, which boomed in the Trump years, has given its editor unique leverage: The New Yorker avoided companywide layoffs last year, and has also been left out of the rest of Cond Nasts painful drive toward centralization. And youre right that eight years of Obama in some ways gave us Trump. Why did ISIS . Patriotism, to me, is closer to what Im trying to describe because its like loyalty. Those opportunities now also include newsletter platforms like Substack, and a new start-up called Puck, a digital magazine in which star writers get a cut of the subscription business and a share of the company. Why did ISIS allow its negotiations with Jordan to collapse? He is best known for his writings for The New Yorker and The Atlantic about U.S. foreign policy and for his book The Assassins' Gate: America in Iraq. In his new book, Adam Hochschild remembers a time when a crusade for democracy abroad released a demonic spirit of intolerance and violence at home. In his new book, " Last Best Hope: America in Crisis and Renewal ," George Packer writes that the United States is in a state of disrepair, brought about primarily by the fact . In July 2013 the New Yorker Festival released a video entitled Geoffrey Canada on Giving Voice to the Have-nots, of a panel that was moderated by George Packer. I agree. And in a way you can see they have followed each other in power from one decade to the next. Justin is under the weather, his column will return Wednesday. @TangoMan I imagine that's what the Department of Water Resources dam management was worried about during the rains from 2/2 to 2/6 as they maintained the water level at 850 feet rather than flush a lot of valuable water down the river to get ready for the second half of the long set of storms from 2/7 to 2/10. That doesnt mean it ignores racism, discrimination, disfranchisement, and the history of all of these. It might require a book to answer. Its all particularly personal at The New Yorker, where the campaign has pitted a culture built on personal relationships and deep trust against a group of employees who reject the idea that they should be subject to the whims of any boss, no matter how benign. The financial crisis of 2008 was years in themaking and has had a lasting impact onAmerican political life. Any idea who will be able to summon the strength to overcome the inertia of the system and allow a return to the values that have been perverted in the name of liberty? All rights reserved. They sat in a big circle and, like the millennials only a few of them are, shared details of their own compensation arrangements. An editor there, Daniel Menaker, wrote years later that he was embarrassed about the ineffectuality and yes, ordinariness of the Guild people wed come in contact with, but also that Mr. Shawns conduct had been revealing a classic case of liberals turning to the right when the capitalist chips were down just as I had been told, from my childhood on, liberals usually do.. I dont know enough to agree or disagree., But in terms of telling the story, it was helpful. I have a bunch of ideas at the end of the book. In the quarter-century after World War II, the country established collective structures, not individual monuments, that channeled the aspirations of ordinary people: state universities, progressive taxation, interstate highways, collective bargaining, health insurance for the elderly, credible news organizations. Review: DeSantis's Book is a Campaign Tome Written by ChatGPT, 20 Years After Iraq Invasion, Need for Dissenting Perspectives is Clear, Phosphorus Giveth (Life) and Phosphorus Taketh Away, Students are the Victims of DeSantis's Education War in Florida, Linda King Newell, 82, Pioneering Feminist Mormon Historian, Portraits of 19th C. Black Charlottesville Show Life, Joy, Black History Month Traces to a Key Meeting in a Chicago YMCA, How (Some) of the Hip Hop Generation Learned Black History, The Executive Branchs Response to the Flood of 1927, The Case For Calling the Language "American", America Fought Its Own Battle Over Books Before it Fought the Nazis. Paperback, 434 pages. Interesting facts in his article: When a buyer searches for a book on Amazon.com, the results are partly determined by the fees paid by publishers; publishers pay Amazon a percentage of the profits they make through the online store each year; those percentages have gone up; although publishers may be squeezed by Amazon, they remain dependent on the company for as much as 30% of their sales, a number thats still growing. Compared to Iraq or the recession in rural North Carolina, I thought it would be relatively straightforward, Packer said. the . The Hulu docuseries is a remarkable work, advancing the prestige true-crime genre's slow but steady reorientation toward centering victims. They might even be repelled by it. I dont think you can persuade people. Packer's sharp portraits of these new tribes are the heart of this book, and his critique of them reveal his central concerns. What are celebrities, after all? In one recent Zoom call, writers even complained to Mr. Remnick of their fears of being bullied on Twitter if they diverge from union talking points. Thats where its strongest, and at this point its dominant. You described Just Americas feelings, or their actions, as a slap in the face of previous generations. Interspersed are capsule biographies of influential figures of the time such as Colin Powell, Newt Gingrich, Elizabeth Warren, Jay-Z, and Raymond Carver. I just think its a nightmare scenario, and so Im maybe a little bit quixotically doing what I can to put a thread in us. $26. But I think Just America has gone in the direction of a dead end that has some of the illiberal qualities of Real America, and that comes up with a politics and policies that arent working and which are going to doom it. On one recent Zoom call with union leaders, Mr. Wright, a former Teamster and longtime W.G.A. The village of waiting. While the union won headlines by marching to Ms. Wintours house, which was guarded, disappointingly, by two low-key men in shapeless cotton shirts, Ms. Wintour has no real involvement in The New Yorker. By George Packer. Its a pretty radical solution, if you think about what it would do to their sales he said. One point of view is that you have to be aware of racism and different identities and different inequalities if you want to take the step of improving everyones life. While he was working . Hillary Clinton stepping down as Secretary of State. In his new book, Last Best Hope: America in Crisis and Renewal, George Packer writes that the United States is in a state of disrepair, brought about primarily by the fact that inequality undermined the common faith that Americans need to create a successful multi-everything democracy. The book opens with an essay on the state of the U.S. during the pandemic, and then offers sketches of four different visions of the country: Free America, of Reaganism; Smart America, of Silicon Valley and other professional lites; Real America, of Trumpist reaction; and Just America, of a new generation of leftists. He told his colleagues that after years of reporting from Iraq, he had . Even when the result is considered a success, as in Nikole I dont blame our fallen reputation entirely on President Bush and his advisers, though. But I mean it in a larger sense. G eorge Packer's incisive, deftly argued book about the moral and political quandary of the United States begins and ends with his declaration: "I am an American." The statement is self . The article, Packer said, kept eluding me. Ben Rhodes was the Presidents speechwriter, foreign-policy adviser, and confidant. Can you do things in your rhetoric or in your politics to make your party less toxic for the six percentage points of people between forty-seven per cent and fifty-three per cent? Buy on Bookshop. To me, he embodies it. But, for fairness, it was necessary. It doesnt happen in jobs. Journalist George Packer's article in the March 26 issue of The New Yorker magazine is called "Betrayed: The Iraqis Who Trusted America the Most.". The New Yorker George Packer is an author and staff writer for The New Yorker . And those are mostly Black farmers who have been dispossessed through decades by the Department of Agriculture and by state and local governments. Regarding his abilities, the . It has set off reflections on their status and revealed the rare bond and unusual deference many of them feel toward Mr. Remnick. And if you bloc them that way, if you create monoliths, you will end up not speaking to their actual, as people say, lived experience. 2023 Cond Nast. Packer, George (2001). For example, in your Letter from Sudan, published in the magazine last year, you described the Sudanese politician Hasan al-Turabi right down to his flower-patterned polyester socks. Where do you get your inspiration? Its the professional class. But its in the bill, its in the law, because fairness demanded it. Packer's maternal grandfather, George Huddleston, Sr., had served eleven successive terms (19151937) representing Alabama's 9th congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives. I just couldnt quite face that thought. Its because of the courage and openness of the people I spoke with that I was able to tell this story. But the other chunk of the story is how much Gutekunst wants to see more of Love in the regular season. Those two things together, I think, have given us Real America. I think nationalism is destructive. It was a white Christian-nationalist narrative that said, Your free trade, your immigration, even your corporations and monopolies have not improved a lot of towns, and rural areas have sunk and are in deep trouble, and have some of the same serious problems that the inner cities have had for decades. And so, when Trump came along, in 2015, he intuited in his reptilian way that the old, sunny, optimistic Reagan message didnt cut it, and that something more dark and nativist and ugly would appealthat people didnt want to hear how good things were. He was a finalist for the 2004 Michael Kelly Award. Our mission is to get Southern California reading and talking. Or are you making a larger point that, for liberals to achieve something beyond just winning elections, they have to inculcate a sense of patriotism and national spirit? The New Yorker. Prior to coming to The Times, Kellogg was editor of LAist.com and the web editor of the public radio show Marketplace. George Packer, resident egghead-journalist at the New Yorker - and Iraq war supporter-turned-"anguished" semi-recanter - is the latest "liberal" to turn his guns on Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald for their alleged devotion to libertarianism.A whole genre has grown up around this subject: Sean Wilentz, writing in The New . And, if Im wrong, then Id be actually quite happy. George Packer is an award-winning author and staff writer at The Atlantic.His previous books include The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America (winner of the National Book Award), The Assassins' Gate: America in Iraq, and Our Man: Richard Holbrooke and the End of the American Century (winner of the Hitchens Prize and the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for biography). And thats probably an inevitable outcome. They're scared of doing something that might look a little unsafe. At the depth of his crisis in trying to leave the Party . Do you think youre more likely to say, when looking back on Just America in this period, Wow, that was a crazy time that many of our institutions on the left went through, and they did a lot of harm, or You know what? Almost half a century later, the ghost of the scandal that launched Woodwards career haunts the Trump White House. As I wrote in the piece, there is a sense among some of Iraqs neighbors that Iraqis, by allowing the Americans to overthrow Saddam and install a Shiite-majority government, have betrayed the Arab cause and represent a pro-Iranian Shiite front that threatens Sunni Arab countries. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. That is Bidens project. Persuasion doesnt work. You say at the end of the book that you dont particularly want to live in any of the four Americas you define. (Ive had a front-row seat to that and continue to at The New York Times, and wrote about the trend last year.). Everyone I met on my last trip feared a wider catastrophe without American troops. George Packer (born ca. I try not to use it for books more than I have to, he said, because I see a real value in walking into a bookstore and seeing things jump off the shelves.. I think there are two questions. He doesn't theorize about it. 467 pp. . I recently spoke by phone with Packer, who is a staff writer at The Atlantic and was previously a staff writer at The New Yorker. Packer, the author of the books The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America (2013) and The Assassins Gate: America in Iraq (2005) talked to me about what it was like to report his story. A lot of people think of Just America as a response to Trump, too, which is why its interesting that youre defining it as just as much a reaction to Smart America. But politically, if that is its messageif identity is its messageI think its going to be an uphill battle. Unionized employees from Cond Nast marched from New York University to the home of Anna Wintour, Cond Nasts global chief content officer, last Tuesday. When she denied it, he theatrically produced a printed-out screenshot of a WhatsApp message that Ms. Mohit had sent to some 80 of the unionizing employees. She joined the L.A. Times in 2010 as staff writer in Books and left in 2018. Fitzgerald intuited that, with the old restraining deities of the 19th century dead and his generations faith in man shaken by World War I, celebrities were the new household gods. Anti-Americanism is as old as the Republic, largely a European horror at the rise of a commercial power that seemed to have no cultural greatness. But this is the direction we have to go in. In half a week, between Quebec and Singapore, Trump showed that the liberal order is hateful to him, and that he wants out. We are divided that way. Soon the superstitious mariners and passengers . Ad Choices. A new mood of activism has swept through the home of the mascot Eustace Tilley.CreditNick Little. Neither idealism nor toughness has withstood the ordeal in Mesopotamia. The Depression that ended Fitzgeralds Jazz Age yielded to a new order that might be called the Roosevelt Republic. They reflect . Ryan Costello, a centrist wonk, ran for Congress to solve problemsbut his colleagues fell in line with Trumps parade of resentment. President Ashraf Ghani is an expert on failed states. What am I writing about here?, What he came up with, he explained, is Amazons relation to the world of culture -- especially books.. So, for example, in the COVID-relief bill, theres several billion dollars for disadvantaged farmers. The lesson is not to embrace one or the other; its to combine them with wisdom. But, really, Smart America takes on the parameters set by Free America: deregulation and free trade and open immigration. Biden didnt announce it as an important new policy development. Once trust is built in the course of long conversations, the details that a story requires start to surface. Researchers have studied how much of our personality is set from childhood, but what youre like isnt who you are. It means were better. But it seems to me to come out of a pre-modern sensibility that goes back to the New Deal. The economist discusses what the U.S. gets wrong about Putin and the war in Ukraine. They wanted to hear how bad things were. But no writers turned up at a protest outside Cond Nast headquarters on May Day, and none appeared to be present at a march outside the home of Cond Nasts global chief content officer, Anna Wintour, on June 8. What I hear when I travel these days is hostility not just toward the U.S. government but toward the country and its people. Or has the threat to liberalism by Just America been overstated? Ad Choices. The Packers could obviously expect a king's ransom in draft and perhaps other capital were they to trade Rodgers, and that's a big part of the equation. 3. He said it was misleading. Try for $0.00. It doesnt help. But it made focusing on the companys chief executive redundant. And that generation has embraced a different narrative, which sees us less as striving individuals with an imperfect but ever-improving society and more as a fixed hierarchy of groups, some of which are oppressive and some of which are oppressed. By Alexander Russo It's no simple task when journalists decide to write about their families' school choices and their children's classroom experiences. Right. Many of the writers, it seemed, valued their independent contractor status. Betrayed started with a simple feelingdismay and anger at the news that Iraqis I knew were being abandoned to their fate. And, if they dont hear it from the side that wants equality and inclusiveness, then theyre going to hear it from the side that wants hierarchy and exclusion. Is it tough enough to withstand this ordeal in Mesopotamia? The author of The Assassin's Gate (2005), The Unwinding (2013), and a recently published biography of Richard Holbrooke, Our Man, Packer has written for bastions of liberal thought from the New York Times Magazine to The New Yorker in a distinguished, decades-long career. But somehow, maybe because of where he comes from or what kind of career hes had, he doesnt feel like a very modern figure. 2023 Cond Nast. By signing up, you agree to our User Agreement and Privacy Policy & Cookie Statement. It took Amazon a little while to decide they werent going to cooperate with me, he said. Nobody was interested in a union rep coming between them and Mr. Remnick on editorial decisions. Human Rights in North Korea to Stay on UN Security Council Radar,US News is a recognized leader in college, grad school, hospital, mutual fund, and car rankings. And I think were going through something not unlike that: a generational conflict in which the young think the old have sold them out, and the old think the young are arrogant and foolish. Weve all lived with the red-blue division for about twenty years. Trump threw a great deal of accelerant onto smoldering discontent. THE Roaring '20s was the decade when modern celebrity . I think you lose a lot of people who simply dont see themselves that way. Track elected officials, research health conditions, and find news you can use in politics, business, health, and education. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are pretty much closed to Iraqis. ranges across the country to chronicle the time when "the coil that held Americans together in its secure and sometimes stifling grip first gave way." "I am the empire at the end of the decadence." Thus said the French poet Mallarm. 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Peeling back all the ways Amazon and publishing are entangled, Packer said, took forever., Although Packer shines a critical light on Amazon, he said he believes that the company has provided a seductive level of customer satisfaction; he himself is a customer. Like many Germans of my generation, I am fully aware of the fact that we owe the U.S., and it breaks my heart to see a good friend choose the path of (self) destruction. George Packer's new Atlantic story traces a theme of disappointment with President Joe Biden's failure to live up to his initial ideals as he tracks Biden's shifting views on the long war . Nationalism is a word I avoid as a positive. Most Iraqi refugees I spoke with have found the reception from their Arab neighbors rather chilly. (The contents of the writers group messages were shared with me on the condition I only quote people by name with their permission. When youre been an industry for a long time, you cant imagine things differently. One of the things Packer mentions is the Gazelle Project, referencing Stones book. But your point is valid, and I think that partly explains the Packers' willingness to continue pushing cap charges into the future with these restructures. But that is precisely the problem: Packer - I believe, and please correct me if I am wrong - has no training in North Africa's history and politics and I don't think he has spent much time there except for these quick hit trips for the long New Yorker piece (again, please correct me if I am wrong). Well, I think Smart America is the one its closest toin a sense, its one generation overthrowing the previous one, children overthrowing parents. I very much enjoyed this piece, because it seems to fit with the thoughts you expressed in your book The Assassins Gate, which I read with great interest. And I think thats necessary, because weve demonized one another through social media, through isolation during the pandemic, to a point where people are unrecognizable and have been cast in terms of good and evil. It seemed like a way to jolt the picture productively. I think you can include Elizabeth Warren in that, as well. Per the Census survey from last year: White Alone: 45.3% Black Alone: 29.2% . Far creepier, however, are the some of the more "complex" explanations for Bales's crime, notably one proffered by Iraq war supporter and neocon-enabler George Packer, in the New Yorker, who denounces "the smugness of the antiwar crowd" and instructs us to avoid "easy condemnations." After all, says Packer, His 2021 book Last Best Hope: America in Crisis and Renewal describes the fragmentation of American society in recent decades into four mutually antagonistic "four Americas": "Free America" (economically liberal), "Smart America" (educated, affluent and socially liberal), "Real America" (white rural precariat) and "Just America" (urban, progressive and economically disadvantaged). His 2005 book The Assassins' Gate: America in Iraq analyzes the events that led to the 2003 invasion of Iraq and reports on subsequent developments in that country, largely based on interviews with ordinary Iraqis. I teach history and English, and I can assure you that the perception of current U.S. politics in my students eyes and minds is even worse than the sad reality that you and your fellow-journalists and researchers have deemed it your duty to report on, at the risk of being labelled unpatriotic. Packer doesn't preach about this. Absolutely. But the alternatives to American power will be even less appealing. Am I really prepared to say its over? Theyve agreed on a $55,000 starting salary and are hashing out issues like caps on potential health care cost increases, people familiar with the talks said even as the Guild threatens a strike. Were nice. Its as if he didnt experience the late sixties and the seventies in the way, say, Bill Clinton did. "To name a few," he went on, "Liana Finck, Emily . In general, our concepts of things like 100 Year Floods and 1000 Year Floods are . Really, nihilism is the only word for it. They have little faith that the U.S. can achieve it, but even less that their own government and security forces can. The answer to your question depends on how much can be achieved by this movement. His new book, The Unwinding , depicts an America weakened by . Betrayed, from the issue of April 2, 2007. The easiest-to-understand element of the dispute involves the wages of the production employees, the group that includes everyone from fact checkers to social media editors. November 2, 2022. (April 29, 2013). The younger generation of employees is to the left of its elders on issues of substance. It doesnt happen in schools. He was previously married to Michele Millon. Were informal with waiters. 89 (1): 31-32. I think its illiberalism is mostly in our culture: in media, in universities and schools, in philanthropies, arts organizations. The stories I tell in the book of Horace Greeley, Frances Perkins, Bayard Rustin, are of progressivesnot quite in the same way that people are today, but certainly reformers, and even radicalswho nonetheless see themselves as working on behalf of the whole country, and trying to bring it together, and trying to hold it to its promises in a way thats generous and not punitive or resentful. America in Iraq. Because I wanted to write about the whole arc of the war in their lives, I spent many hoursin a couple of cases, two full daystalking with them. It wasnt. His reference points all seem to go back to Roosevelt and Truman and trade unions. The Talk of the . Photograph by Ahmed Muhammed Ali / Anadolu Agency / Getty. Ad Choices. His latest book, Last Best Hope: America in Crisis and Renewal was released in June 2021. And underlying much of the 2021 labor tensions are political tensions. They dominate the landscape, like giant monuments to aspiration, fulfillment and overreach. Just as youre more loyal to your family than to people you dont know. The union includes 120 people and there are about the same number of staff and contributing writers. Have we simply sent our least able people to that region? George Packer at the 2013 Texas Book Festival, Last edited on 16 February 2023, at 15:10, The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America, "Geoffrey Canada on Giving Voice to the Have-nots", "Our Man by George Packer review Richard Holbrooke and American power", "2013 National Book Awards Go to McBride, Packer, Szybist, Kadohata", "James McBride, George Packer win National Book Awards", "Announcing the National Book Critics Awards Finalists for Publishing Year 2013", "2017 Whiting Creative Nonfiction Grantee: George Packer", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=George_Packer&oldid=1139717922, 2017 Whiting Creative Nonfiction Grant to complete, This page was last edited on 16 February 2023, at 15:10. To revisit this article, select My Account, thenView saved stories, To revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories, George Packer, a staff writer from 2003 to 2018, has covered the Iraq War for The New Yorker and has also written about the atrocities committed in Sierra Leone, civil unrest in the Ivory Coast, the megacity of Lagos, and the global counterinsurgency. Its Americans who believe that talent and effort should be rewarded but who also think were part of a society and that society has to make sure that everyone has roughly an equal chance. Packer said underlying much of our personality is set from childhood, but less. By this movement messageif identity is its messageI think its illiberalism is mostly our. Like 100 year Floods and 1000 year Floods are if you think what... Set from childhood, but even less appealing or the other ; to! What Im trying to leave the Party able to tell this story Arabia and Kuwait are much. 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